Boys will be boys....

That was the theme today. But before I get too much into the theme I'll update you on our projects: the fence is looking good!!! The cows aren't too sure what to do when they try to get into their normal pathway through the property...they keep looking for the holes in the fence...but they aren't there any more! Unfortunately 2 cows found their way through the front entrance (the gate isn't finished get). Kurt had AJ round them up like a cowboy. He gave AJ a rope and said to "round them up"..so AJ was snapping the rope making some noise
and those cows (ou know..the typical Mexican cows with the big horns..) starting running away from AJ toward the other gate as fast as they could...it was too funny!!!

We had lots of people helping Jackie, Kurt and Robin with the fencing - we hired 4 locals so that really helped. We had the electrician and his assistant working on finishing the outdoor lights (which are now done.) We had Bill, Eric, AJ and 2 other people helping to almost finish the awning on the Director's house...and a few other projects (like hauling the ol
d fence posts to the metal junkyard for $$ (a big $5 USD..but that helped go toward 1 of the workers for part of the day.) It's good that we're able to hire good inexpensive local laborers to help us since there is so much work to do!!!

This afternoon we were scheduled to take all the kids to the beach...that's where th
e theme of the day comes in... several boys have been getting in trouble lately...and today was no exception, unfortunately, since they were really looking foward to going to the beach. Apparently the majority of them (and Kurt and Eric weren't sure who were involved) messed up the boys dorm really bad and had jumped on Eric's air mattress - luckily didn't pop it...so Candi and I had no choice since we didn't know who did it and they wouldn't tell, but to let only the girls and the older boys who had been helping us with the work (and the really young boys who had been with Candi) go to the beach. Talk about really sad faces....

The beach was a lot of fun! AJ even taught those who came how to skimbord...or at least tried... (I have some great photos!!) The original plan was once we returned was to have a pizza party, then afterwards to have a surprise Christmas in June party and give out 1 pair of shoes to each child that Robin had donated from Crocs (she had more than that don
ated - in fact 60 pairs), but Candi would wait to give out more later. We would have a big party....WELL ....when we returned, Candi was in the boys dorm and all was quiet... I guess things hadn't gone well after we left...the boys ate cereal for dinner and when to bed early.....we never saw them again after we returned this evening....so we continued to party with the group who went to the beach. Robin walked in with a big snack behind her back saying, "Ho, Ho, Ho!!!" The kids
giggled! They loved their new shoes!! Jackie had also brought bracelets for everyone so it was like
Christmas for them!!! We will eventually..."hopefully" ...and we will continue to pray that we will be able to very very soon see the boys to give them their new shoes and bracelets!!!

We have a little bit more to do tomorrow on the fence and awning...then a few more little projects we can do around the home. I purchased some inexpensive rugs for the inside of the 2 dorms and the dining hall so they won't track in as much mud and dirt when they come inside...we already noticed a big difference! Just little things like that can hel

And we all can see the big differnce since we hauled off all the garbage - that had been all around the property...that with the improvement of the fence makes the entire property look so much nicer!
It's bed time - Buenos Noches!
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