Where to begin??
This has been a frustrating day for me....I was at Home Depot 5 times and an Electrical Store twice! 2 of the trips to Home Depot were for returns...let's just say being the "Runner" for this trip has ended up being an exhausting experience!!
We did have some pretty cool "God-sequences" today. While at the Electrical store...let me back up..the first time we were there, AJ and I arrived and it was like a big open warehouse in the middle of no where Mazatlan and inside there were about 15 stationery stools with contractors sitting around waiting their turn and then people standing around behind them also waiting. AJ was awkwardly holding on to a glass globe (twice the size of a large earth globe) outside light cover and looked at me as if to say, "where's the back of the line?" Since there was no line..we just picked a spot which looked not quite so crowded and waited until we got someone's eye contact...anyway to make a very long experience MUCH shorter...we ended up getting a 50% discount at that store and then later when I was there with Kurt...(this is the God-sequence), a man walked up to us and asked if we needed an electrician. I asked Kurt and he said, "sure". So I translated and next thing we hired the guy starting 2 hrs later!! (He lives in that same village and really needed the money.)
Back to our 2nd God-sequence...it has to do with one of our returns at Home Depot. We purchased 10 more bags of cement using only water to mix...but when they loaded it for us, we received the regular kind of cement...but didn't realize the mistake until we got all the way back to Hogar de Niños...so had to take it back...(unfortunately 3 bags got torn in the process) and the return - exchange process in Mexico is a real slow process. (even when I brought 4 of the boys from the home with me!) After having to process all the paperwork, return the old...buying the new...we learned they only had 2 bags of cement which mixed only with water!! (and they couldn't get any more for 10-12 days!!!) I phone the home and spoke with Kurt and asked his advice...he said something would work out....God keeps helping us out!!! (on the way home the boys and I stopped by 3 other cement stores but they didn't have any cement whic
h mixed with water only...) By the time we got back to Hogar de Niños, one of the women who were there for a women's meeting had spoken to her husband who does cement work and he had agreed to bring a load over to us the next day or 2!!!! (God is taking care of us!! So I guess I don't have to work so hard????)

Projects today -- we continued to work on the fence project and also worked on the outdoor lighting project with the electrician. (Even though we purchased the longest ladder we could, we still had to put it in the back of the truck bed to be able to reach the top of the outdoor lights!!)
The kids at the home are really enjoying having us around....they were thinking on Tuesday that AJ and Eric were brothers (I guess because they are both so "guapo"!!!!)
I found a hat for Bill late Monday evening...I took a bus downtown and bought one from one of the vendors so he is set for the heat!!! (I took the bus because of lack of parking in the city center.)
We have 3 older teenagers who we have also hired who are working very hard. We are paying them 25-30 pesos an hour. The younger boys who are helping me out, I am paying them by allowing them a ride in the truck with me. (easy $$ for me!) I also told them because they are such good helpers we'll take them to the beach on Thursday and they are very excited about that!!!!
PS. Hogar de Niños was without power from 430am - 1pm (not sure why??)
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