Thursday, July 22, 2010

Tues 20 JUL 2010 - WE'RE HOME!!!

Home at last!!! From all the big smiles you can tell how happy we all were to get home tonight!! It was VERY difficult leaving Hogar de Niños this morning. Lots of hugs, tears and telling the children how much we love them and will miss them. One boy, Fernando Chico, was seen early this morning walking step by step with AJ. It looked like they were deep in conversation, not missing a beat as they walked. AJ later told me he was rapping with Fernando and he was repeating everything AJ had said, (even though Fernando was only 4 and didn't speak English). Many of our kids bonded with Fernando a lot these past 2 weeks - so much so that as we were leaving he wouldn't look up from the ground to say good-bye....he didn't want us to go. He knews that once we left, his life would go back to living with his mom and 2 brothers and sister in the Squatters Settlement. I decided I wasn't going to leave without saying good-bye, so I picked him up, gave him a BIG HUG and told him how much we all love him and care about him and that AJ and I would see him next summer (I couldn't make that promise for anyone else) and that we believed in him. Lots of tears later, we headed toward the airport with the truck full of our luggage (a lot less than what we came with - thanks to everyone who sent donations with us.)

While at the airport in Mazatlan, I introduced several of the youth to "Bing Sodas" and it was then that the idea came for a fundraiser - to have a Mexican Ice Shop and to sell "Boli's" and "Bing Sodas" - so those of you from Christ UMC - get ready to have your taste buds ROCK!!!!

We are grateful to our Youth Mission Stockholders and others who have financially supported us on this mission trip and for all of your prayers. This experience will stay with us forever!!!
Now to remember to flush toilet paper down the toilet and to be able to have a/c and other comforts from home.....all the time while remembering the children who have touched our lives, knowing that they are home without any of these comforts.

Blessings to all of our BLOG followers -

Barb McClellan
Director of Youth Ministries
Christ United Methodist Church
2375 E 3300 S
Salt Lake City UT 84109

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Mon 19 JUL 2010

Our final full day in Venadillo.....this was our Waterpark Day (10a-6p) for all the kids who came to at least 4 days of the VBS as well as attended the worship service & VBS program on Sunday. We had a total of 105 people including our youth group. Candi brought 3 loads in her van of children from Felicidades and nearby villages and I brought 3 loads in my truck of kids from Hogar de Niños, Venadillo and the food to the park. Waterparks in Mexico do not have lifeguards so our US Team split up into 3 groups to be able to watch all the children (most who didn't know how to swim.) This activity was for many of the children, the only time this summer they would get to go to a pool or see any water other than mud puddles near their homes.
Thanks to those of you who donated swim suits for the children as well as other clothes / underwear for them!!! We had fun playing in the pools with the children. It was a blast playing water games with them - I even did some throwing of "nerf" balls to boys ages 10-13 as they dove into the pool. (it brought back memories of doing this with AJ when he was younger.) As they dove toward the pool, I would toss the nerf ball high in the air with the boys tried to catch the ball mid-air. We played keep-away with nerf balls (someone had donated a couple dozen of these water nerf balls and they were a big hit!!) We had bonded with the 80+ children during the VBS so much that it was natural to be hanging out with them in the pools. You could hear any one of our names being called by various children wanting our attention. It was very sad saying "adios" to them at the end of the day knowing that when we leave, many of the children from the Home would go back to their families where they had no running water, electricity and pretty much the homes aren't much more than a couple of sticks, cardboard boxes and plastic. One of the families we have learned will probably make their children beg on the streets for money and food after we leave. It's very sad....

Hogar de Niños offer these children a place where they can sleep with a roof over their heads, be given 3 meals a day, clean clothes and be able to go to school. They are given a chance in life because of Hogar de Niños...they are given hope for a better life through education and learning about how families can take care of each other. They are also taken on various field trips throughout the year to learn about job opportunities - what skills they need to have to work. They are taught about trust, honesty and service to others. We all gave so many hugs good-bye as we left the pool. The biggest question which was asked was, "When are you coming back??" Our youth and chaperones have bonded greatly with the children from this area and have shared our hearts and love with this community. We will miss everyone tremendously.....

Your servants of Christ,

Barb and our Utah United Methodist Team

Sun 18 JUL 2010

What a great day today was! The children from the VBS (approx 80+ children) came to the worship service at Hogar de Niños. A few of them brought their parents. The worship service focused on "The Good News Train" from our VBS experiences. The children sang 5 of the songs they learned during this past week. Candi (the Director of the Home) asked the children during the service to say each of our names - it was amazing how they knew all of our Utah team!! The sermon focused on missionaries - locally, nationally (Mexico) and Internationally and the importance of spreading God's Love and Message of the Good News of Jesus with others. Each child who completed the VBS program received a certificate from us as well as new pairs of Crocs!!!! These were a big hit and several of the children took an extra pair home to either their brother/sister or mom. Afterwards as I was helping to drive children back to their homes in the village, I saw the looks of joy as the children surprised their love ones with the gift of a new pair of shoes!!! Theses families have very little but take joy and pride in what they do have!!!

Later we planted a MANGO TREE just outside the girls dorm. This is to be another "legacy" of our group and hopefully in a few years the children will be able to enjoy the "fruits" of our labor!

Tonight for dinner we drove down to the village and ate at a taco stand. The food was delicious and it was a real treat for all of us -- and for the owners of the taco stand!!

Tomorrow is our day (10a-6p) at the waterpark "Los Mangos" with approx 80+ children!!!
