Hola amigos,
Everything is going well. Construction projects completed, five days of exclusively SpanishVBS with 80 children taught, excursions to restaurants, shops and the beach with some really good surf. It's been very hard work in very hot weather (I never stop sweating!!!!) Our youth treat each other so nicely and are great with the Mexican kids. On our arrival, we were puzzled to be warned by Candi that however friendly the Mexican children might be with us on the grounds of Hogar de Ninos, the Mexican kids would likely deliberately ignore any Hogar de Ninos volunteer in the streets of town, but in the chance encounters with Mexican kids in town that have occurred, our youth have been greeted with enthusiastic affection..... a real testament to the depth of the relationships formed so far.
Thanks to all in our congregation for the support with prayers, donations, and especially to the parents for their encouragement and allowing this wonderful group of youth to come to Mazatlan.
Con el amor de Cristo,
Today we felt air conditioning for the first time since we've been in Mexico, it felt super amazing. The place we ate was really nice, and we decided to tell the people that it was Barb's birthday. Then we went shopping and I got a sombraro. It's super sweet, we were given 50 pesos to buy something that reminded us of this trip. I got a bracelet that said love to remind me of all the love put into this trip. overall today was a really awesome day. Mary
Everything is going well. Construction projects completed, five days of exclusively SpanishVBS with 80 children taught, excursions to restaurants, shops and the beach with some really good surf. It's been very hard work in very hot weather (I never stop sweating!!!!) Our youth treat each other so nicely and are great with the Mexican kids. On our arrival, we were puzzled to be warned by Candi that however friendly the Mexican children might be with us on the grounds of Hogar de Ninos, the Mexican kids would likely deliberately ignore any Hogar de Ninos volunteer in the streets of town, but in the chance encounters with Mexican kids in town that have occurred, our youth have been greeted with enthusiastic affection..... a real testament to the depth of the relationships formed so far.
Thanks to all in our congregation for the support with prayers, donations, and especially to the parents for their encouragement and allowing this wonderful group of youth to come to Mazatlan.
Con el amor de Cristo,
Today we felt air conditioning for the first time since we've been in Mexico, it felt super amazing. The place we ate was really nice, and we decided to tell the people that it was Barb's birthday. Then we went shopping and I got a sombraro. It's super sweet, we were given 50 pesos to buy something that reminded us of this trip. I got a bracelet that said love to remind me of all the love put into this trip. overall today was a really awesome day. Mary
Ok - what Mary forgot to mention was that at the restaurant the waitresses and waiters came over with a cupcake with LOTS of whip cream and they said - it's to put on your face!! I quickly grabbed a few napkins and yes - it went on my face!!! Our youth thought that was GREAT!!!When we first arrived at the restaurant the looks of pure joy came on everyone's face as the restaurant had air conditioning!!!! I think our group would have been happy just to sit in the air conditioning without eating!!!!
Tonight was our last day for VBS - we've all become quite attached to the 80+ children who come each day. (I pick up several children each day from Venadillo and drop them off at their homes...) Luckily we'll see them tomorrow at the worship service / VBS program at church. The smiles and hugs we all get each day and the special "High 5" I've taught them is really cool- I think I've started a new trend here!! Each day when they arrive, the children come running up to me to be greeted and do the "High 5 handshake". At the worship service tomorrow, the children have been asked to bring their families - for many it will be their first worship experience. We're excited for what God has in store for these children and their families!!
It's late and I really need sleep....
Buenos nochas.
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