Saturday, July 10, 2010

Sat 10 JUL 2010

Hey all this is Rex. The kids are are great group, not once have I had to threaten violence. It has been a great trip, lots of projects accomplished, the place looks great due to our efforts. The local kids are so thankfull for our presence. Barb and company are truly a life changing machine. I will leave tomorrow morning with much sadness as it will be some time til we meet again.


Greetings from Mazatlan! This is Jon W. and this is by far one of the most interesting places I have been. The condition of the people is by American standards, a bit disheartening. The people live in very simple brick (if they are lucky) or even houses made from courrgated iron. People also try to make it look like their home is still under construction so they can evade taxes. It is good to know that what we are doing will help to fix things matter. I hope it does. Oh Mom, please pull up the leaf cutter ant article from the New Yorker, there is a large leaf cutter ant colony and every morning they form large ant superhighways to the trees in front of the dorms when the colony is all the way by the fence behind the dorms! I just want to learn more that is all. Speaking of which, I miss you all. Til I log on again or until I return to the home front,

Jonathan Williams


Long story short: my shoulders and back are sore, my feet are blistered, I'm hungry, I'm tired, but I feel better and am happier than I have ever been. It feels really great to give back to a world that I take so much from. These kids are so happy and it makes me so happy. It's very rare, if ever, I even hear them complain (the only kid I heard cry fell out of a tree). It's a very different culture than in the U.S. In the U.S., no one's happy with what they have, they're always wanting more; but here, everyone is so happy for everything that they have. It was an extremely humbling experience watching their faces light up when they were given new shoes and some new clothes. They were almost as happy as me with a new computer and a new guitar.

Anyway, as far as working goes, I help with the pouring of concrete and other various forms of labor. I tried to stay as far away as the paint as possible. Not a huge fan of long, monotonous work. The food is good. The sleeping is BRUTAL. I've never been so hot while sleeping.

MOM! Barb found diablo chips for me! Life is awesome!

Great times, great laughs, great happiness from Mexico!

-Tyler Finley

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